Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy New Year!

We hope you had a terrific Holiday Season. It's over yes, and we are left with 2009 ahead of us. What will we all make of it? I hope everyone finds their own peace and happiness - whatever that might be. So far Philip Wright is engaged, Tracy and Adam are engaged and I have my 25th High School Reunion this year. Lots going on and it's only January 11th. I'm sure it will be another busy, yet fulfilling year.

We enjoyed the Holidays and spent some time in North Carolina with my family - Beth, Ricky and the boys, Dad and Nancy, Matt, Wendy and the boys, Uncle Ted and Aunt Darlene - it was so nice to see everyone! Thank you for making our Holiday special this year. It's so hard to get to see everyone and seems that it goes by so fast.

My mom was here from St. Louis and stayed for a week. It was so nice to spend some quality time and she got to see how the Hatfield's live! She was a trooper and slept on the bottom bunk with the kids on the top. Maybe we can save enough in 2009 to build our addition so that guests can have room of their own. I'm sure the kids will soon be getting too big to sleep in one twin bed. Good thing McKenna is such a little peanut! Here are some pix from our Holiday.

We love you
The Hatfield's

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