Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Let the Holidays Begin!

Sorry it's been a while since I updated, just the crazy season! Shawn was in town for Thanksgiving and it was great to see her. The kids had a great time having her here and she got the luxury of sleeping in the bottom bunk with McKenna. I'm not sure she got much sleep!

It was also Rich's Birthday on the 28th so we celebrated that on Thanksgiving while Rich's Mom was with us. We had a great weekend, lots of shopping and food and family. Here are some pix of the kids hanging ornaments and being silly, a picture from Rich's bday and some random shots...McKenna made the party hats...they were too cute...and Aidan doesn't wear glasses, those are his great grandfather's wire frames with no glass, he SWEARS he can see better with them on...enjoy!

We are not heading North for the Holidays this year, but will be going to NC for a few days after Christmas to see family. I'm sure I will be heading back to Ohio at some point early next year.

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