Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Baby Birds

We have had an exciting spring! We planted a garden complete with corn, peas, beans, squash, carrots, watermelon, arugala, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers - I think that's it! We will share pix soon as things are growing quite fast. The peas are already blooming we have tomatoes on the vine. McKenna's class had 20 chicken eggs that hatched and we wanted to bring some chicks home (we can have chickens in the city of Atlanta) but we thought the dogs might not approve of that. We have also had baby birds (Brown Thrasher - the Georgia State Bird) in our mail box!!! We were able to see the stages of life the birds took and they flew the nest today. There was lots of comotion yesterday and they are gone today, so we are sad to see them go. We will miss their little hungry cries for Mama bird. There are two eggs still in the next that didn't make it. So sad.

School is out already and the summer is in full swing. The kids have a crazy back and forth schedule this summer complete with Camp Invention and Circus Camp. I'm hoping to take some time off and go to the pool or climb Stone Mountain with them again.

Here are some pix. The one with the brown metal box is a picture of the baby bird. Look to the bottom right of the picture and you will see its big eyes and wide open pink mouth. Too cute!

Some of the events I have forgotten to mention are Aidan's 8th Birthday in February, Mac had her Moving In the Spirit Dance recital and danced to the songs from School House Rock (she was awesome!!!), Aidan yet another belt test, both kids had a Festivale de Coloures show at school where they performed, both kids had Portfolio Share at school to show us all the work they have done this year, I'm sure there is more, but here are some pix for you!


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