Thursday, September 17, 2009

Unicoi Camping

We spent Friday and Saturday night of Labor Day weekend camping with some good friends from the neighborhood. The Hagan's, Hartley's, Carr's and Hatfield's ventured up North a couple hours and found a resting spot at Unicoi. There were 7 adults (Tim Hagan was under the weather) and 7 kids. I couldn't sleep a wink since I have the light sleeping sydrome my Mom has! I heard every bird, every cough, every car alarm (yes, someone's car alarm went off in the middle of the night) and every step someone took in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom! But, we had fun watching the kids playing in the creek and we took turns with meals to make it a little easier packing and planning. We had a great time and the weather was perfect! And I am lucky enough to NEVER cook at home, but above you will see me doing the only cooking I have done all year. Flipping burgers!

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