Thursday, September 17, 2009


McKenna is learning to ride her bike without training wheels, which gives Rich and I a lot of exercise! He got the bar that attaches to the back wheel and we have to run behind her making sure she stays balanced. Here are a few pics from our friends Suzanne and Tim's house where they have a culdesac that is perfect for kids hanging out playing. Aidan has the bike riding under control - I think he needs a bigger bike - what do you think? Could be a good Christmas present this year!

Unicoi Camping

We spent Friday and Saturday night of Labor Day weekend camping with some good friends from the neighborhood. The Hagan's, Hartley's, Carr's and Hatfield's ventured up North a couple hours and found a resting spot at Unicoi. There were 7 adults (Tim Hagan was under the weather) and 7 kids. I couldn't sleep a wink since I have the light sleeping sydrome my Mom has! I heard every bird, every cough, every car alarm (yes, someone's car alarm went off in the middle of the night) and every step someone took in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom! But, we had fun watching the kids playing in the creek and we took turns with meals to make it a little easier packing and planning. We had a great time and the weather was perfect! And I am lucky enough to NEVER cook at home, but above you will see me doing the only cooking I have done all year. Flipping burgers!

Rainy Night

What better way to enjoy the rainy night than to run home from dinner in it! We walked to Little Azio's for dinner tonight which is 2 blocks from the house. As soon as we stepped inside, it started to pour down rain. We were hoping it would let up before we had to walk back home, but it didn't. We made a fun adventure out of it and took our shoes off, held hands and ran home! Aidan said it was the best time he's ever had in his life!!! It was really fun screaming and laughing all the way home! Here we are soaking wet!

Red Bull Soap Box Race

Late August we went down to Midtown at Piedmont Park and watched the Red Bull Soap Box Races. They were crazy and hilarious! It was a hot day, very crowded and we couldn't see well so the kids only lasted about an hour. It was a great workout for us because we kept lifting the kids up and down on our shoulders everytime someone was coming down the course. Here are a few pix. We took MARTA down to the races, but the walk to the park was very long...we took a taxi back to our car at the MARTA station. Was the kids first Taxi ride. I love Firsts!!!