Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The kids started Tball last Saturday with Grant Park TBall. What a production the opening day was!! We all met (100s of people) at the parking lot at Turner Field and decorated the cars in the team colors, got our uniforms and had a police escorted procession through the neighborhood beeping and waving to all the neighbors at 9am on a Saturday morning. The kids are both on the Cubs and McKenna is the only girl - we are hoping she doesn't notice that. We swore there would be other girls on the team, but it didn't work out that way...luck of the draw. They had a game right after the parade on Saturday and both did great. Was more of a challenge for us grown ups to keep the kids on the bench, sitting still, with no rocks or sticks, out of the tree (seriously), get their batting helmets on and off, remind them of where 1st base was and high fiving them as they came back to the bench even if they didn't get on first base. The season lasts until May so I'm sure there will be any more Tball stories to come.

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