Monday, November 3, 2008

Trick or Treat

Hope you all had fun trick or treating. We did! What a busy night for our street. At times I had to have help handing out candy because I couldn't handle the volume of kids at the house. So it was nice to have a few friends over to help out. Thanks to Rachel, Ben and Pedro. And a stray kitty showed up just in time to be a trick for some kids. We offered to drop the kitty in their trick or treat bags to take home - since it was stray and needed a home. Very cute little orange kitty we named Boo. No takers, and he was gone the next morning so we are hoping he already had a home! Here are few pix of the kids - McKenna was a Cat and Aidan was a "plain ol Jedi". Those were his exact words. And Rich's Mom, Donna, was dressed as an Egyptian princess! Rich went as a caring Dad, me as a caring Step Mom. Aren't we creative!

The witch crashing into the tree was a big hit and many families took the opportunity to take pix of their kids in front of it. And it even scared a few kids so much they wouldn't come up the sidewalk for candy. Ben told one girl to "watch out, she's still moving" and a poor frightened teenage girl ran away screaming. It was priceless I must say!

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