Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Post Holiday Hatfield's

Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since posted something, but when you find out what's happening in our world you will understand!

We had a great Holiday and New Year and the kids were very happy with their Santa Loot! They were off school for three weeks so there was lots of shuffling between us and Christine, but we made it though. Rich's Mom came up on the 22nd to spend the Holidays with us, and she is still here! She is having some health issues, so she will be staying with us until we find her the appriate place to call home. So Rich has been wonderful in taking care of yet another person! He is definitely Superman. It's been a bit hard on the family as there is NO alone time, and the kids have to share the top bunk so La La can sleep on the bottom bunk. So in our 900 square foot house we have three adults, two kids and two dogs. And one bathroom might I add! It is temporary so we are just looking forward to getting back to normal.

And to add to our list of thing "to do" we just bought a house in Ormewood Park, which is closer into town...where we both have wanted to live. It's very close to the Zoo and parks - including a dog park. It's a very active neighborhood and there is a Charter School that we are hoping to get the kids into - so keep your fingers crossed as we register on 2/4. Other options would have to be private schools with tuition and we would rather not go that route!

So....we are busy, busy here trying to take care of everyone and everything in our lives. We love each other very much and it's sometimes a struggle, but it's so worth it!

I have included a few pix from the kids school. We haven't been taking any lately, but I'm sure we will get back to that soon, as well!

Love you all!

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