Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Aidan Looses His First Tooth

Aidan lost his first tooth yesterday while enjoyed a lollipop. He was very excited to see what the tooth fairy would bring him. He had me write "money" on a piece of paper and put under his pillow. The tooth fairy left him two gold dollars and a congratualtions note. And while visiting Aidan, tooth fairy kissed McKenna on the forehead and left kiss marks! She was very suprised when she looked in the mirror. I wish I could have captured the looks on there faces. McKenna wouldn't wash off the kiss and told everyone about it in line at Einstein's!

With love....Sheree


Shawn said...

I am laughing so hard right now! Thank you for sharing. this is a great idea...more kisses to you all!! Especially toothless and spicey : )

Sheree, Rich, Aidan & McKenna said...

We have a picture of the kiss on the forehead, so I'll post it as soon as we can!