Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tugaloo Triathlon 2007

Hi Everyone,
Rich competed in an Olympic distance Tri this past weekend at Tugaloo State Park. It was perfect weather for a race, cool and sunny! We stayed at Chateau Elan, a winery about an hour north of the city and it was really nice to getaway. Rich did the race with Team in Training, so he raised almost $4000 for Leukemia & Lymphoma...such a great cause! If you ever want to participate in a race, you should do it with Team as they train you and guide you though the entire process. They provide amazing support through the race, too. It's a great organization!

Rich said he ran his own race this year and he felt better than ever! He finished, a bit behind the winnner :-), but he did it! I am very proud of him. It was great to hear others come back from the race talking about how fun Rich was at talking trash (ina motivating way) while he was on the course. He was very motivating to others on the team and keeps it fun! He's my husband (I love saying that) and I love him so much!

I have posted a couple pictures of him ont he course and then one of us.

We had an amazing weekend!

Love you all!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Aidan Looses His First Tooth

Aidan lost his first tooth yesterday while enjoyed a lollipop. He was very excited to see what the tooth fairy would bring him. He had me write "money" on a piece of paper and put under his pillow. The tooth fairy left him two gold dollars and a congratualtions note. And while visiting Aidan, tooth fairy kissed McKenna on the forehead and left kiss marks! She was very suprised when she looked in the mirror. I wish I could have captured the looks on there faces. McKenna wouldn't wash off the kiss and told everyone about it in line at Einstein's!

With love....Sheree

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Welcome to Our Blog

Hi Everyone,
We think about you all the time, but have a hard time keeping up with everyone. So we thought we would create a blog and update it weekly or as often as time allows, so we can keep you up to date on life in Atlanta. We hope you visit often and let us know how you are doing as well!

Hugs and love to you all!

Here is a recent picture of the kids to share. They went to Boston (flew on a plane for the first time) a couple weeks ago to a wedding with their Mom, Christine and her husband Dave. They had a great time, but came back very, very tired.