Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Santa's Knee - not many of these days left....

Aidan Turned 10 in Feb - can you believe it!

And he loved his bow and arrow present!

Here are some pictures of his sleepover breakfast for his Birthday!

Jingle Belles 2011

Just a few pix of my friend's and I celebrating the Holidays. Always fun.

Sweet Jessie

Jessie is turning 12 this year and he's getting a bit slower, but still as handsome as ever. :-)

House Addition


I know it's been a while and I apologize. I wanted to get some of the additiona pix up so you guys can see the before and after. It's changed even since this group of pix, but I'll get some new ones up soon. (you are thinking, "yeah right", but I promise). Love you all!