Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy New Year!

I know it's a little late, but Happy New Year to everyone! We had a great time at the Vatalaro's house on NYE and the kids made it past midnight and all the way to 1:30am. They did great, aside from the sparkler burn that McKenna got early on (hence the sad face in the one picture), it was a nice festive evening that flew by with great conversation and a few spirits. And we played a little WII Rock Band. Here are a few pix of the night.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone is staying warm this winter! We have had some cold temps for Atlanta down in the teens, so going outside is not our favorite thing to do these days. We are still managing to get the dogs out for walks, but they are a little shorter than normal.

He had a great Christmas, was very quiet. I must say I missed my family coming in, but Rich, Aidan, McKenna, Donna (Rich's Mom) and myself did have a nice time. And the kids had a lot of fun opening presents from Santa. I took the week between Christmas and New Years off, so we spent a lot of time playing all the games and putting together all the things they got for Christmas. I think we finally put the last battery in on Sunday of last week. It was exhausting, but lots of fun!

The mantle was decorated with Donna's Santa Clauses - we were very happy to display her years of collecting! And funny, Jessie would just lay in front of the Christmas tree and stare at it for hours. It was so cute!

Here are some pix for you to share in the fun....