Monday, July 13, 2009

Phil And Holly's Wedding

We spent the weekend of June 13th in Charleston, SC. and by "we" I mean Rich, me and my sister, Shawn. It was an event packed weekend with 5 wedding events including a Meet and Greet, Bocce Ball on the Beach Party, Rehearsal Party, Wedding on Sunday and then a send off Brunch on Monday. We didn't make the brunch and Rich and I didn't get there in time for the Meet and Greet, but we got lots of exposure to the Wright's and friends at the other events. I still don't feel we got any quality time with ANYONE because there were so many to talk to and catch up with. But, we had a great time and managed to get a little time to be tourists in the charming city of Charleston. Here are some pix!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Cute McKenna Picture

Just doing a little yard work!


Rich is on the Buildings and Grounds Committee at the kids school and they spend one Tuesday evening a month making repairs to the school since it's an oder building. There were many times when duty called outside of that Tuesday evening window and Rich would go to school to hang a white board or fix a door. They were very well liked at school since many times things were done after school hours and teachers were happy to come in thinking that magic had happened overnight! Here is the yearbook picture of the group...a few were superimposed in since they couldn't make the photo session.

And now Rich has been elected to the Board of Directors at school for the next two years! Congrats!

Last Day of School - Aidan

Another late post, but here are a couple pix from Aidan's last day of 1st grade. We took mostly video. Aidan was voted the Care Bear of the class because he's so loving and sweet! He learned to read this year, so here he's reading us a story and there is also a self portrait above!

Last Day of School - McKenna

I know these are late, but here are a few pix from McKenna's last day of school - they have a Portfolio Share day that allows us to come in and view all of their work throughout the year. McKenna's finale presentation was on Cardinals. She did a one man puppet show!

Performance Camp

The kids went to Performance Arts camp a few weeks ago at their school and had a blast singing and dancing and performing. Here are some pix from their final performance...McKenna sang Puff the Magic Dragon alone on stage! And so funny...we were all waiting for the curtain to open and the teacher came out and said that McKenna needed to get a drink of water before she performed! So she kept us all waiting while she got a drink of water. Diva in the making! And the pix are a little blurry - didn't get one of McKenna singing - only video. Sorry!

Kid Pictures

Here are some cute kid pictures from the summer so far. We went to Value Village (a thrift store) and found some Webkins (stuffed animals) and we put them in the washer, the one picture is them watching their animals go around and around in the washer. And a few other pics of them around the house and at camps...enjoy.

Father's Day

We had a great Father's Day this year! I think they are all great, but Rich said it was the best ever! We went to Sweet Water Creek Park and hiked with our friends Suzanne, Tim, Connor and Alary. Connor was in McKenna's Kindergarten class and Suzanne and I became instant friends at Orientation when we were both crying because the teachers we singing a beautiful song. I knew I liked her!!! Enjoy the pix.