Monday, August 18, 2008

House - Before Pix

Just so you can get a reference to what we actually renovated at our new house, here are some before pix.

House Pix - Finally!

Here are some pix of the house. It's a very open floor plan and basically the kitchen, LR, DR and Office are all one big room. There are 2 bedrooms and 1 bath - so it's a tight fit. But we love it! the LR needs a little work, we are trying to get a groovy piece of art above the fireplace, but can't seem to find it. Might end up being a blown up photo from our Paris trip last year. Something meaningful. enjoy! And I am going to re-paint the kids room yellow - that grey is just too dulle.

Aidan Lost his Front Tooth

Cute picture!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

My Mommy

Just wanted to post my favorite picture of my Mom. She might be moving out to St. Louis to make baseball bats again so she's on my mind a lot these days! Love you Mom!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Graduation Party

Another fun event in May was we trading my friend Robin's painting services at the new house for Rich's photography talents and it worked out great. Here are some pix from Alex's graduation party that we shot.

Zoo Pix from May

We also went to the Zoo for Memorial Day wth our friends Shonda and Jennifer and their little girl Skylar. We had a great time and it's only 1 mile from our new house so we have a membership to go whenever we want to - although we are waiting for fall when it's a little cooler!

Where did summer go?

The kids are starting back to school on Monday and we can't believe it. We have spent the summer moving into our new house in Ormewood Park in East Atlanta. It was a little rough at first with all the transitions, but we have met lots of great people and kids and can walk to get ice cream! My sister, Shawn, was here for 5 days helping us right after the move and was a great help. Thank you Sis! Couldn't have done it without her. We are still doing final fix ups - painting trim, caulking, fixing hardwood floors, putting on door knobs, etc. But it's very livable and comfortable.

We didn't get a vacation this year - my vacation was moving - but we did meet my Brother at the NC/GA state line for a weekend of camping in late June. We did a little skiing, tubing, eating, skipping rocks and just relaxing. It was very nice to spend time with Matt, Wendy, Taylor and Tanner and we hope to do it again before the year is over. We had a huge Thunderstorm that everyone slept through, except me. I was too worried about the kids getting wet and we weren't in any luxury tent. We all 4 just fit!

Aidan moved to his blue belt in karate, so he's doing well. Christine took McKenna to get her ears pierced today and we should have some pix of that up soon. They took swimming lessons all summer and we learned that they are both little fishes! Our money paid off as they are enjoying the local pool here and are having fun diving for toys.

McKenna turned 5 on July 28th, I turned 42 on July 10th, Shawn turned 43 on July 24th. So we had a great month of celebrating!

Overall we had a great summer. It always goes too fast - especially when you do something as time consuming as renovate a house and move! I'll let you know how the first day of school goes.
