Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day

Hi Everyone,

For the Mother's out there, I hope you all had a great Mother's Day. We spent an action packed day with the kids starting with Eggs Benedict made by Rich, great gifts from the kids and then on to the new house to work a bit. And of course the day wasn't complete until we visiting Rich's Mom and played a few games with the kids while Rich's Mom enjoyed the fresh air. I went to the kids school on Friday for Muffins for Mom and was presented with very great gifts. Pictures painted of me with my favorite things. Aidan thinks I am 61 years old and that my job is a pilot. He loves me because I am cute! McKenna didn't give an age, but instead said that I am bigger than Daddy, my favorite thing to do is work (nice) and my favorite food is vegetables. Here are a few pix to enjoy.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

New House

Well, it's not "new" but it's new to us. Here's the first picture of a room that is getting closer to being done - the kitchen - Rich's favorite room! We have the stove to the left and a big island from IKEA we have yet to put together, so it will be a small kitchen, but very open into the living room and dining room space. We are doing most of the work ourselves now and this is our IKEA kitchen. It's getting there, but wanted to give you a sneak peak. Rich was there working until 1am last night and he made great progress. We have a little time this weekend to focus on the house, so hopefully we will be in by the end of May!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's May Already?

Sorry it's been so long...we are so busy! We are trying to finish the new house in Ormewood park and get into it as soon as we can - so that is taking up all extra time. And Rich's Mom fell a few weeks ago and broke her hip so she had surgery and is now in a rehab facility. We now have to move her out of the apartment we just moved her into in February! The weekly visit to the apartment has now become the 3-4 times per week visit to the rehab facility. And we now have to start over again to find her a place to live after she gets through rehab - a 3-4 month process.

The kids are great and enjoying school. I have included a few pix the teacher's have sent. McKenna will be 5 on July 28th - so she is already counting down to her party. I have attached a picture of her and Rich at the school Science Fair where she showed off the planets that she made. And Aidan at the Fernbank Planetarium studying the planets.

We had a great time in NYC for our one year anniversary - staying right at The Hilton at ground zero. We spent some time starting down into that vast space of moving construction equipment and workers. It was a very moving experience to think back to that day. We promise to post photos soon on our trip!

Hope everyone is well!

Sheree and the fam