Thursday, October 4, 2007

More Tooth Fairy Morning Pix

Tooth Fairy Kiss

I promised Shawn I would put up the Tooth Fairy Kiss it is!

The Kids

Here are a couple recent pix of the kids. Aidan started soccer a couple weeks ago. Christine is taking him and apparently he's still trying to figure it out! He's not exactly sure what to do yet.

And a picture of McKenna at the fair on bumper cars.


Just catching up...

Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all doing well! I went to San Diego from September 21st through the 26th for our User Conference for work. Was a nice break from day to day responsibilities, but I really missed the family. It was the first time I had been away for that long since we got married, so was strange to be alone.

There was an awesome airshow right outside our hotel so that was an added bonus. Here's a picture of me with my friend and coworker, Elliott Brown.
